Meaning of Ar Razzaaq Name of Allah in Urdu and English


Meaning of Ar Razzaaq Name of Allah in Urdu and English

His creatures can rely on Ar-Razzaq's as he is the one who is able to provide sustenance. This is the One who gives them all their sustenance and livelihood. In Him, we find growth for our minds, our bodies, and our souls. The Quranic verses behind this name will be examined now in greater depth.Read More...

Ar Razzaaq

According to the Qur'an:

Reading these verses will enable us to understand this name more clearly.

  • “My Lord, if only You would delay me for a brief term so I would give charity and be among the righteous.” (Quran 63:10)
  • And those who emigrated for the cause of Allah and then were killed or died – Allah will surely provide for them a good provision. And indeed, it is Allah who is the best of providers. (Quran 22:58)
  • Indeed, it is Allah who is the [continual] Provider, the firm possessor of strength. (Quran 51:58)
  • . Is there any creator other than Allah who provides for you from the heaven and earth? There is no deity except Him, so how are you deluded? (Quran 35:3)

Now, let's talk about Wazifa's purposes.

Wird O Wazifa:

In these days, meditation has become more and more necessary, and Wazifa can also be a source for attaining that necessary meditation and thus facilitating the attraction of the things you desire. You will have what your brain will require if it's healthy. Remember that wazifa is a kind of prayer in which Allah Almighty is being asked for help. Let's see what benefits you can get from reading the Wazifa.

For Guidance Of Allah:

Nothing could be better than having guidance from Allah Almighty in every work you do. Allah Almighty is the planner and whatever he blesses is the only thing that can bring benefits to us. Your life can be set in motion if you read this name often in the morning and evening. Your matters will be seen by Allah Almighty, who will guard your values. The problem will be solved by an unknown source.

There are also names that provide additional benefits.


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99 Names of Allah

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