Benefits of Wazifa of Al Muqaddim in English and Urdu


Al Muqaddim

Al-Muqaddam is another beautiful name of Allah. It gives meaning to the one who promotes or brings forward. This includes promoting his servants to higher ranks providing rich rewards. Several benefits and comforts are provided by the Wazifa by this name. The reader is blessed in both the physical and spiritual worlds by every name of Almighty. You can find out why this name was chosen, as well as details about the Wazifa, by reading the following sections.Read More...

Al Muqaddim

According to the Qur'an:

Here are some of the meanings of this name in the following verses.

  • And when their term has come, they will not remain behind an hour, nor will they precede [it]. (Quran 16:61)
  • But the mercy of your Lord is better than whatever they accumulate. (Quran 43:32)

The above verses explain the significance of the name so that when you sit to read the name for wazifa, you will be acquainted with the name a little more; if you are interested in knowing more, kindly read Hadees, because we know that the Qur'an and Hadees are full of knowledge and information.

Let's maintain Wazifa's aims and manners.

Wird O Wazifa:

It helps a lot in the following ways to read the names of Allah Almighty to receive the comforts of this world and the hereafter.

To Win:

Struggles know that winning is valuable, and winning is essential to the rest of the world, otherwise, no one will put his or her best effort into something, and everyone is looking for shortcuts to success. In case you read the name 500 times daily, you'll be able to win after your struggles.

On this website, in addition to learning about Wazifa and benefitting from it, you can also learn about other names of Allah Almighty.


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اللہ کے کلام سے تمام مسائل کا حل ممکن ہے۔حدیث پاک کی روشنی میں اپنے مسائل سے متعلق وظیفے پڑھیں۔

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